Message from the President

28 Jan 2021 3:38 PM | Deleted user

Hello Members & Friends,

I hope this reaches you doing well and enjoying the beginning of 2021.  I know 2020 was a challenging year for all of us.  I want to thank Joe Dudek for his leadership of TRC during this time. 

In looking forward to 2021, we have exciting news regarding our Spring meeting! TRC will be partnering with SRRC to hold a joint virtual conference on Wednesday, April 21, 2021!  We look forward to providing fun and educational sessions for our membership.  Additional details to follow soon.

Thank you to all members who voted, in December, to pass the change to the TRC By-Laws.  The document has been updated and posted to the TRC website for your information.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and productive 2021!

Susan Macchia

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