Tennessee Relocation Council 

  • 07 Jan 2024 6:39 PM | Deleted user


      Message from the President:

     Happy New Year!

      I trust that you had a joyful holiday season and are              looking forward to a fun and successful 2024.                     

    I am honored to serve as your President and look forward to your engagement in what’s sure to be an exciting year for TRC!

    Your 2024 TRC Board is already collaborating to bring you continued industry-relevant educational sessions, one-of-a-kind post-conference events, intimate corporate-only roundtables, and heartfelt charitable giving.

    TRC would not be what it is today without the extraordinary efforts of our Board of Directors, the enthusiastic participation of our membership, and the consistent generosity of our sponsors.

    I especially want to thank our outgoing President, Rachel Frenette of Focus Relocation who worked tirelessly to lead our 2023 Board. I’m also tremendously grateful for the 2023 outgoing Board members who volunteered their time and energy to provide us all with exceptional TRC experiences throughout the year.

    Thanks to:

    • Natalie Smith – Oasis
    • Whitney Cooper – Alexanders Mobility
    • Kathy Horton – Chase
    • Karly McGowan – LCM Relo
    • Richard Cobb – Wells Fargo.

    Your 2024 TRC Board is poised to make this year better than ever. We hope you’ll consider contributing your ideas, feedback, suggestions, and, if possible, your time to serve on one of our committees.

    If you’re interested in serving on a committee, contact me or one of the Co-Chairs listed below.

    Your 2024 Board

    Executive Leadership

    • President, Janet Olkowski - Graebel
    • Vice President, Kyle Blalock – Oasis
    • Secretary, Lisa Fontana – Rocket Mortgage
    • Treasurer, Holly Hintz – UBS

    Board of Directors

    • Programs co-chairs: Yolla Harb- Cartus and Jack Jampel – Stryker Corporation
    • Membership co-chairs: Debbie McGee – PZI Consulting and Shannon Barnes – Armstrong
    • Logistics co-chairs: Michael Smith – AHI Corporate Housing and Michelle Barnes – PARKS Realty
    • Sponsorship and Social Media co-chairs: Carrie Takamatsu – Hilldrup and Shannon Edmiston – US Bank

    Stay tuned for exciting announcements! And don’t forget to save the date for our Spring meeting on May 2nd!

    On behalf of the entire TRC Board,

    Cheers to 2024!                                                                                                                       

    Janet Olkowski, TRC President                                                                                                                      

  • 11 Dec 2023 1:33 PM | Deleted user

    Good morning TRC membership!

    Hard to believe that 2023 is practically in our rearview mirror as we speak. Yes, it’s true that time really does fly when we’re having fun!

    I want to take this opportunity to thank the TRC Board and their respective committees for creating and delivering two exceptionally well attended and successful Spring and Fall meetings once again this year! Our membership continues to praise the work of our Board members - the quality of the agendas developed and delivered, securing knowledgeable moderators and speakers, selection of the hotels, meeting spaces and post-meeting venues including the menu choices, development of our first-ever mobile app used to enhance the value of our membership communications and finding opportunities to support people in the Nashville communities that need and rely on our generosity and giving spirit. Thanks for volunteering your time and energy and contributing to our success in various ways!

    I also want to give a big shout-out this year to all of our moderators and speakers, especially our corporate members. We know how valuable your time is on a day-to-day basis and the fact that you are willing to share your most precious gift of time with our membership is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    Lastly, our meetings would not be possible without the financial and moral support of our sponsorship! A heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every sponsor that allows us to create and deliver this level of educational opportunity for our membership. We are so grateful to you!

    Plans are well underway for the upcoming year and as is typical, TRC will continue to deliver amazing programs and meetings, led by our newly elected 2024 Executive Leadership Team! Please join me in congratulating:

    President – Janet Olkowski, Graebel                                                                              Vice President – Kyle Blalock – Stay with Oasis                                                  Treasurer – Holly Hintz - UBS                                                                                Secretary – Lisa Fontana – Rocket Mortgage

    In closing, I want to thank TRC for giving me the opportunity to meet and work with some of the brightest and most amazing people in our industry over the past 4 years! It’s been my honor to serve TRC in various capacities during this time and especially as your TRC President this year.

    Heartfelt wishes to you, your staff and family for a joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with all that makes you happiest!


  • 06 Jan 2023 7:55 AM | Deleted user

    Welcome 2023!

    On behalf of the entire TRC Board, we wish everyone a happy & healthy new year! 

    The outgoing 2022 and incoming 2023 TRC Board members have been very busy collaborating on another year of exciting educational meetings, providing us with opportunities to enhance the value we bring to each other, our customers and our community!  

    Before I share upcoming TRC news with you, I would first like to thank Karly McGowan, out-going TRC President, and Kathy Horton, out-going TRC Vice President, for their leadership over the past year. Their dedication to the membership was especially appreciated during our 10th anniversary year and for our first in-person meetings in a couple years! Karly and Kathy will continue to serve our membership in an Advisory capacity in the coming year. Thank you, Karly and Kathy!

    I am excited to announce the 2023 TRC Executive Board, charged with leading our organization for the coming year:

    ·    President: Rachel K. Frenette, Focus Relocation, Inc.

    ·    Vice President: Janet Olkowski, Graebel Relocation

    ·    Treasurer: Richard Cobb, Wels Fargo Home Mortgage

    ·    Secretary: Natalie Smith, Stay Sojo

    2023 Board of Directors and Committees they lead:

    ·    Logistics: Kyle Blalock, Stay With Oasis and Whitney Cooper, Alexander’s Mobility Services

    ·    Membership: Debbie McGee, PZI International and Michael Smith, AHI Corporate Housing

    ·    Programs: Shannon Barnes, Armstrong Relocation and Yolla Harb, Cartus

    ·    Sponsorship & Social - Media: Lisa Fontana, Rocket Mortgage and Carrie Takamatsu, Hilldrup

    Congratulations to the incoming Board and thanks for volunteering your time and talent to serve our membership!

    Highlights and information for our upcoming year:

    ·    TRC annual membership renewal campaign is underway. Please take a moment to renew your membership today if you have not done so already to be a member in 2023.

    ·    Mark your calendars to "Save the Date" for the •Spring Meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 20,2023 at the Nashville City Club followed by our post meeting event at The Dream Hotel. Meeting registration and details will be communicated soon.

    ·    GREAT NEWS – 2023 Corporate and HR members will receive free registration to our 2023 meetings and after- hours events! Note – corporate and HR members must still register for the Spring and Fall meetings in order to attend.

    ·    Fall 2023 TRC Meeting – tentative date is Thursday, November 9, 2023. Calendar a place--holder to join us - confirmation and details to follow later this year.

    ·    Corporate and HR Roundtable opportunities will be provided at both the Spring and Fall meetings. More information to follow. 

    ·    Lots of sponsorship opportunities will be available again in 2023. Information coming out soon. Thanks to all of our TRC sponsors that provide financial support to the organization, allowing us to host these valuable meetings.

    ·    Be sure to check-in with TRC via our website and various social media platforms (Linked In, Twitter)  

    ·    We will continue to support community initiatives that give back to those in need and provide a path to success for local students. A heartfelt thanks for the donations that our members so generously provide that allow us to give back to our community in these special ways. Details on the various ways you can assist in 2023 will be included with Spring and Fall meeting registration information.  

    ·    Opportunities to work on a TRC committee are always open and appreciated. Consider supporting a committee or even running for a future Board opportunity. And because we are here to serve our membership, the Board is always open for suggestions and recommendations that bring additional value to all of our members. Reach out to a Board member with your ideas! 

    I want to personally thank the TRC Board for the opportunity to serve as your 2023 President this year. It’s easy to be excited for the upcoming year when I see the leadership, talent and passion that this TRC Board is bringing to each and every one of us for the coming year. They are an amazing team of professionals with boundless energy, coupled with passion and dedication just waiting to be of service to our organization. How lucky (and smart!) are we to be a part of the TRC community!

    All the best to each and every one of you in the coming year! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

    Kindest Regards,

    Rachel Frenette                                                                                            

    President, TRC 2023 

  • 15 Feb 2022 7:30 AM | Deleted user

     Hello TRC!

     The 2022 TRC Board of Directors is already working     hard to make this a great year. I am appreciative to   have been chosen to lead this wonderful team as the   2022 TRC President.

     Thank you to Susan Macchia from Cummins, the 2021   TRC President, and the entire 2021 Board. The incredible work and planning done in 2021 has set us up for a fun and educational 2022.

    We are planning two in person events for this year, and hope to see you all soon!

    Karly McGowan, CRP GMS

    LCM Relo Solutions


    TRC President


  • 28 Jan 2021 3:38 PM | Deleted user

    Hello Members & Friends,

    I hope this reaches you doing well and enjoying the beginning of 2021.  I know 2020 was a challenging year for all of us.  I want to thank Joe Dudek for his leadership of TRC during this time. 

    In looking forward to 2021, we have exciting news regarding our Spring meeting! TRC will be partnering with SRRC to hold a joint virtual conference on Wednesday, April 21, 2021!  We look forward to providing fun and educational sessions for our membership.  Additional details to follow soon.

    Thank you to all members who voted, in December, to pass the change to the TRC By-Laws.  The document has been updated and posted to the TRC website for your information.

    Wishing you a happy, healthy and productive 2021!

    Susan Macchia

  • 07 Dec 2020 4:43 PM | Deleted user

    We are nearing the end of 2020 and I would like to start off by saying, “We Made It!”  While this year has been very difficult and challenging, we’ve seen so many amazing things.  We’ve seen the Household Goods industry be on the frontlines during a pandemic and move families across the country.  We’ve seen Corporate Housing providers scramble at a moment’s notice to find a place for transferees and their families to live.  We’ve seen Tax and Immigration advisors provide the necessary guidance for companies to make sound fiscal decisions.  We’ve seen Corporate Mobility Managers sacrifice so much of their time and efforts to ensure the safety of their employees.  We’ve seen Real Estate Professionals innovate how they show and sell homes without people stepping foot in a house.  We’ve seen Mortgage Providers process loans fast enough to help transferees obtain their dream home.  There are so many more of these examples to count and I’m proud of the industry that we are in.  I’m also positive on what the future may bring as this year has forced us to innovate our technology and processes, but it has also shown us all how our passion for moving families can bring about so much improvement to our industry.

    It is the holiday season and with that said, TRC would like to share a special gift to our membership.  For those who have paid a membership in 2020 we will waive next year’s membership fee and roll it over into 2021.  While we don’t know what the uncertainty will bring next year, you can count on your TRC Board to provide you with great events (whether virtual or in person), provide great educational content, and enhance our TRC community culture. 

    I would like to thank our TRC Board of Directors for working hard during this year and come together as a team to make our virtual conference and other fun activities possible.  I also would like to challenge all of our members to get more involved in TRC next year either on a committee or run for the board next fall.  You are all the future of TRC and your support will drive our continued growth in our organization. 

    Lastly, I would like to thank all of you for the opportunity to be TRC’s President this year.  It’s been an honor and something I will never forget.

    Have a great holiday season and I look forward to the next time we get to see each other in person. 

    Joe Dudek

    TRC President

  • 04 May 2020 4:50 PM | Deleted user

    Hello Everyone,

    This year has brought a lot of unforeseen challenges to our country and industry. We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe, and that you are taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. If you need anything, your TRC Board of Directors are here. We've built an amazing relocation family over the last nine years, mainly because of the way we have supported each other - personally and professionally.

    We want to provide a quick update on our Fall conference. Right now we are planning to meet on Wednesday, November 11th at the Drury Hotel in Downtown Nashville. However your safety is our number one concern, and if we are still recovering from the effects of Covid-19 we will hold a virtual meeting instead. We'll keep you updated over the coming weeks and months.

    All of our events are possible due to our amazing sponsors. Unfortunately we were not able to see each at our spring meeting, but we would like to recognize those companies and members who have supported our organization this year.

    To do so, we are starting a new initiative called TRC Tuesdays. Each Tuesday you will receive an email highlighting a few of our sponsors. We encourage you to keep an eye out for these emails, learn more about our sponsors, and contact them to utilize their knowledge or services. You will also find them spotlighted on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram pages. Please take a few moments to click on each link to follow us! They are great resources to keep you informed on what TRC is doing and also allow you to interact with your TRC Family.

    We may not know what our new normal will look like in the upcoming months, but one thing is for sure - you can rely on TRC for years to come. Until we meet again, take care and stay safe.

    Joe Dudek

    TRC President

  • 15 Jan 2020 4:00 PM | Deleted user

    Hi Everyone, and Welcome to 2020!

    I'm excited to be this year's TRC President as our Board of Directors has another great year in store for you.  My goal for this year is to make TRC something you are proud of and continue to share with others in the industry about our great organization.  We will make sure to provide you great conferences throughout the year full of amazing sessions, speakers, industry education, and networking opportunities.  This is a wonderful organization primarily due to the passion and dedication of YOU, our members.  We will continue to develop the spirit of TRC and have our best year yet!

    I wanted to try something different this year and provide my President’s Message in a video.  Please take a quick 2 minutes to watch the video to learn more about what’s in store for this year.  Please click the picture below or click here to access the video once displayed click on arrow in lower left hand corner of picture,

    If you don’t have the ability to watch the video, below are a few highlights to note:

    Spring Conference: 

    • I'm excited to announce this year's Spring Conference will be held at The Drury Plaza Hotel Nashville Downtown on Wednesday, April 1st We are excited for this event because this will be Nashville's newest hotels and with their conference facility onsite will allow more time for us to stay together as a group and network in the heart of downtown Nashville.  Our logistics team has been hard at work to select a fun yet affordable venue to have our conference at.  Be sure to More details to come, but this will be one you won't want to miss.

    Membership Renewal and Sponsorship Opportunities

    • We encourage you to log on today and renew your membership for 2020.  We know you may have other choices to spend your dollars but we are dedicated to make this a valuable one for you.  Please talk about TRC with other coworkers, industry colleagues as we would love to see them join us as well. 
    • Our conferences could not be made possible without the strong support of our sponsors, I truly mean that.  Last year we had a record amount of sponsorships and we are very fortunate to have the support of many companies.  We look forward to receiving your support again this year while also getting the necessary visibility and recognition as well. 

    Your TRC Board of Directors:

    • We are excited to announce that Rachel Frenette, Greg Hanners, Karly McGowan, and Kathy Horton will be new board members for TRC this year! 
    • We would also like to thank Lori Stillwell, Nicole Awalt, Sara Hanlin, and Eve Seib for all their dedication and service as they become advisory board members.
    • Please click here to view a list of all your board members and the positions they will hold this year. 

    Thank you for being a part of TRC and we look forward to seeing you at our Spring Conference! 

    TRC President,

    Joe Dudek

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