Year End Message from the President

11 Dec 2023 1:33 PM | Deleted user

Good morning TRC membership!

Hard to believe that 2023 is practically in our rearview mirror as we speak. Yes, it’s true that time really does fly when we’re having fun!

I want to take this opportunity to thank the TRC Board and their respective committees for creating and delivering two exceptionally well attended and successful Spring and Fall meetings once again this year! Our membership continues to praise the work of our Board members - the quality of the agendas developed and delivered, securing knowledgeable moderators and speakers, selection of the hotels, meeting spaces and post-meeting venues including the menu choices, development of our first-ever mobile app used to enhance the value of our membership communications and finding opportunities to support people in the Nashville communities that need and rely on our generosity and giving spirit. Thanks for volunteering your time and energy and contributing to our success in various ways!

I also want to give a big shout-out this year to all of our moderators and speakers, especially our corporate members. We know how valuable your time is on a day-to-day basis and the fact that you are willing to share your most precious gift of time with our membership is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Lastly, our meetings would not be possible without the financial and moral support of our sponsorship! A heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every sponsor that allows us to create and deliver this level of educational opportunity for our membership. We are so grateful to you!

Plans are well underway for the upcoming year and as is typical, TRC will continue to deliver amazing programs and meetings, led by our newly elected 2024 Executive Leadership Team! Please join me in congratulating:

President – Janet Olkowski, Graebel                                                                              Vice President – Kyle Blalock – Stay with Oasis                                                  Treasurer – Holly Hintz - UBS                                                                                Secretary – Lisa Fontana – Rocket Mortgage

In closing, I want to thank TRC for giving me the opportunity to meet and work with some of the brightest and most amazing people in our industry over the past 4 years! It’s been my honor to serve TRC in various capacities during this time and especially as your TRC President this year.

Heartfelt wishes to you, your staff and family for a joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with all that makes you happiest!


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