2020 Message from the President

15 Jan 2020 4:00 PM | Deleted user

Hi Everyone, and Welcome to 2020!

I'm excited to be this year's TRC President as our Board of Directors has another great year in store for you.  My goal for this year is to make TRC something you are proud of and continue to share with others in the industry about our great organization.  We will make sure to provide you great conferences throughout the year full of amazing sessions, speakers, industry education, and networking opportunities.  This is a wonderful organization primarily due to the passion and dedication of YOU, our members.  We will continue to develop the spirit of TRC and have our best year yet!

I wanted to try something different this year and provide my President’s Message in a video.  Please take a quick 2 minutes to watch the video to learn more about what’s in store for this year.  Please click the picture below or click here to access the video once displayed click on arrow in lower left hand corner of picture,

If you don’t have the ability to watch the video, below are a few highlights to note:

Spring Conference: 

  • I'm excited to announce this year's Spring Conference will be held at The Drury Plaza Hotel Nashville Downtown on Wednesday, April 1st We are excited for this event because this will be Nashville's newest hotels and with their conference facility onsite will allow more time for us to stay together as a group and network in the heart of downtown Nashville.  Our logistics team has been hard at work to select a fun yet affordable venue to have our conference at.  Be sure to More details to come, but this will be one you won't want to miss.

Membership Renewal and Sponsorship Opportunities

  • We encourage you to log on today and renew your membership for 2020.  We know you may have other choices to spend your dollars but we are dedicated to make this a valuable one for you.  Please talk about TRC with other coworkers, industry colleagues as we would love to see them join us as well. 
  • Our conferences could not be made possible without the strong support of our sponsors, I truly mean that.  Last year we had a record amount of sponsorships and we are very fortunate to have the support of many companies.  We look forward to receiving your support again this year while also getting the necessary visibility and recognition as well. 

Your TRC Board of Directors:

  • We are excited to announce that Rachel Frenette, Greg Hanners, Karly McGowan, and Kathy Horton will be new board members for TRC this year! 
  • We would also like to thank Lori Stillwell, Nicole Awalt, Sara Hanlin, and Eve Seib for all their dedication and service as they become advisory board members.
  • Please click here to view a list of all your board members and the positions they will hold this year. 

Thank you for being a part of TRC and we look forward to seeing you at our Spring Conference! 

TRC President,

Joe Dudek


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