TRC's 5th Anniversary Meeting

Thursday. April 6, 2017
The Bell Tower
400 4th Ave. S.
Nashville, TN 37201
Lowes Hotel (Vanderbilt)
2100 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203
Reservations: 877-879-7818 or click here
Room Block under TRC/Tennessee Relocation Council, $239 per night with Complimentary Shuttle to the Bell Tower.
***Please note: Rates are good until
March 9th***
Event Parking:
If not utilizing the Complimentary Shuttle from Lowes Hotel, there are many surface lots and parking garages available within quick walking distance to the Bell Tower. The Music City Convention Center offers a daily rate of $7.00, and is just a couple block walk to the Bell Tower.
Meeting Topics & Higlights
Momentum Productivity Study – The Results Presented by Mary Beth Nitz, VP Global Consulting Services, Altair Global Relocation. This session will provide an interactive discussion of the results gathered from ALTAIR’s U.S. Domestic and International Momentum Productivity Surveys, an industry-leading study series examining, identifying, and validating mobility-related events determined to have a significant impact on employees’ focus and productivity at work, and, as a result, companies' bottom lines.
Back by Popular Demand the Knowledge Hop, which will include six break-out sessions.
Six breakout sessions with topics including:
- Payback Agreement - Leader: Heather Morgan, CSG
- COLA's - Leader: Steve Nurney, Mercer
- Annual Reviews - Leader: Johnny Haines, Deloitte
- Vendor/Partner Relationships - Leader: Jack Jampel, Stryker
- Middle TN Real Estate - Leader: Tonya Hamilton, Berkshire Hathaway
- Immigration - Leader: Dan White, The Immigration Group
"Thinking Outside the Box" Presented by Jack Jampel, HR Senior Manager Global Mobility, Stryker Corporation. Interactive sessions on how daring to be different and changing how you think can lead to success and increasing your problem solving abilities that will ultimately lead to strengthening your customer experience and service.